Vincenza Costantino, Theater as an educational space. Suggestions for a theatrical education
The essay suggests some potentialities of the theater understood as educational space for children. These potentialities follow three main directions: in the first the theater is considered as a physical space, in the second as a symbolic space and, in the last, as a laboratory space. As a physical space, the theatre offers space-time perspective of suspension from ordinary living, with opportunities that refer to the ritual and the party. As a symbolic space, the theater is a magic circle, it is the stage of the actor that stimulates the imagination and foster the emergence of aesthetic experience. Finally, as a theatrical laboratory, based on interpersonal, artistic and pedagogical relations, the theater is organized into the game of self-discovery and the encounter with the other.
Keywords: Theatre, Space, Education, Children.
Published on: N. 31 New Series – Year XVI 2020 – Methods and practices, histories and perspectives