Cristina Palmieri, Thinking Method from a Pedagogical Point of View. Professional Scenario, Critical Deconstruction, and Practical Orientations.


In the Italian context of educational social services, educators experience an ambivalent and difficult condition: from a normative point of view, they have been recently recognized but they actually live a widespread discomfort. In order to both stay in this contradictory situation and look for possibilities of clarification, it is needed to identify the fundamental and transversal dimensions that characterize the educational profession, without simplification or standardization.

Therefore, the paper focuses on the methodological dimension of the educational work. Assuming that “method” is understood and applied, also by professionals, according to the common sense, it offers a critical deconstruction of this concept, a pedagogical perspective in order to read it as essential and problematic dimension at the base of educational practices, and pragmatic orientations that derive from this perspective.


Keywords: Educator; Professional discomfort; Method; Educational experience.

Published on: N. 31 New Series – Year XVI 2020 – Methods and practices, histories and perspectives