Pietro Maltese (University of Palermo, Italy)


is researcher in General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Palermo, Department of Humanities. His reasearch concerns the link between pedagogy and politics and the problematic relationships between educations systems and economic world. In addition to several essays, he has publisched the following works: La teoria del discorso come pedagogia. Uno studio su “Fatti e Norme” di Jürgen Habermas (The Theory of Discourse as a Pedagogy. A Study about “Between Facts and Norms” of Jürgen Habermas), Aracne, Roma 2007; Il problema politico come problema pedagogico in Antonio Gramsci (The Political Problema s a Pedagogical Problem in Antonio Gramsci), Anicia, Roma 2008; Letture pedagogiche di Antonio Gramsci (Pedagogical Interpretations of Antonio Gramsci), Anicia, Roma 2010; Generazioni precarie. Formazione e lavoro nella realtà dei call center (Precarious Generations. Training and Work in Call Centers), ETS, Pisa 2011; L’università postfordista. Nuovi modi di produzione e trasmissione della conoscenza (The Post-Fordist University. New Ways of Producing and Transmitting Knowledge), ETS, Pisa 2014 (Siped prize 2018); Gramsci, dalla scuola di partito all’Anti-Bucharin (Gramsci. From the Party School to the Anti-Bucharin), Istituto Poligrafico Europeo, Palermo 2018. With Danilo Mariscalco, he has edited the book Vita, politica, rappresentazione. A partire dall’Italian Theory (Life, Politics, Representation. Starting from Italian Theory), Ombre Corte, Verona 2016.