Marco Revelli

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is full professor of Science of politics at the University of Eastern Piedmont. During the eighties he coordinated the seminars held by Norberto Bobbio at the Centre for Studies Piero Gobetti in Turin concerning the political cultures of the right and left wings. Recently he has focused his attention on the crisis of politics and the new forms of participation. Apart from being an intellectual completely involved in civil society, he is author of several socio-political works at the intersection of historiography, political philosophy and social sciences. Among them, after Lavorare in Fiat (Garzanti, 1989), the work through which he portrayed the changes that have transformed the relationship among men, machines, job and power, more recently the following books have been published: Le due destre (Bollati Boringhieri, 1996), La sinistra sociale (Bollati Boringhieri, 1998); Oltre il Novecento (Einaudi, 2001); La politica perduta (Einaudi, 2004); Sinistra Destra. L’identità smarrita (Laterza, 2007); Controcanto (Chiarelettere, 2010); Poveri, noi (Einaudi, 2010); I demoni del potere (Laterza, 2012); Finale di partito (Einaudi, 2013). He is among the founders of ALBA. For a new political subject.

Collaborations for Paideutika

  1. Marco Revelli, School, society, rights, job
  2. Marco Revelli, Etica del conflitto e conflitto etico nell’epoca della globalizzazione – Paideutika N. 2 – Nuova serie – Anno I 2005
  3. Marco Revelli, Fine del lavoro e politica, Paideutika N. 1 Nuova serie – Anno I 2005