Malte Brinkmann
is Professor for General Educational Science at the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin. He He is the deputy speaker of the Commission for Philosophy of Bildung and Education of the German Educational Research Association (GERA) (DGfE) and co-editor of the Educational Studies Revue. He represents a phenomenologically oriented pedagogy, regularly invites to an International Symposium on Phenomenological Educational Studies and is the editor of a book series on this subject. His research focuses on theory and practice of learning, education and practicing under the perspective of Bildung, social theory and embodiment. Further focal points are anthropology and aesthetic education. He has written books on the „fading of the subject“ in Foucault´s oeuvre and on a phenomenological theory of practicing, including mental practices such as judgment and meditation. His current interest is also in videographic research in teaching and learning based on a theory of shared attention as responsivity and a phenomenological theory of the image.