Gianluca Giachery (University of Turin, Italy – Editorial Office)


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is PhD in Sciences of Education. Currently he is Professor on contract at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures of the University of Turin, where he also contributes to the classes belonging to the educational field. He is Counselor in Organizational Development and he is a clinical-educational Supervisor; he also has been carrying out training activities in various contexts.

He is author of several publications edited on Journals and collective works. He contributes to “L’Indice dei libri del mese”. He has published the following books: Etica della padronanza. Le pratiche educative come pratiche di riflessività (Roma, Anicia, 2009); Idioti Reietti Delinquenti. Pedagogia, medicina e diritto tra Otto e Novecento (Como-Pavia, Ibis, 2010); Indignazione morale e profezia pedagogia. L’ultimo Horkheimer (Como-Pavia, Ibis, 2012); Il discorso eretico. Michel Foucault e la formazione delle soggettività  (Torino, Neos-Tirrenia Stampatori, 2015); In forma di dialogo (Guerini Next, 2019).

Collaborations for Paideutika

  1. Gianluca Giachery, La costruzione ideologica della storia. Ovvero: Michel Foucault e l’etica del potere
  2. Gianluca Giachery, Violence and coercion in care professions
  3. Gianluca Giachery, Struggle for recognition
  4. Gianluca Giachery, The body between institutions, subjectivity and throng. Biopolitics and pedagogics: starting from Foucault
  5. Gianluca Giachery, Society, power, education. An interpretation of Dialectic of Enlightment
  6. Gianluca Giachery, Rebellion, custom and political commitment. The youth movement in Germany (1898-1926)
  7. Gianluca Giachery, Between dreams and reality. The educational setback of present-day
  8. Gianluca Giachery, La costruzione ideologica della storia. Ovvero: Michel Foucault e l’etica del potere – Paideutika N. 5 – Nuova serie – Anno III – 2007
  9. Gianluca Giachery, Le storie che curano. Emotività e cognizione nella relazione educativa – Paideutika N. 2 – Nuova serie – Anno I – 2005
  10. Gianluca Giachery, Le “buone pratiche” dell’educazione, Paideutika N. 1 Nuova serie – Anno I – 2005