Enrica Lisciani Petrini
is full professor of Theoretical Philosophy and musical Aesthetics at the University of Salerno. Her works focus on the philosophical thought of the nineteenth-twentieth century, with a particular attention to the reflections of authors such as Heidegger, Bergson, Jankélévitch, Merleau-Ponty and to the intertwining with the artistic experiences that lie in their background. Main publications: Memoria e poesia. Bergson, Jankélévitch, Heidegger (ESI, 1983); Tierra en blanco. Música y pensamiento a inicios del siglo XX (Akal, 1999); Il suono incrinato. Musica e filosofia nel primo Novecento (Einaudi, 2001); La passione del mondo. Saggio su Merleau-Ponty (ESI, 2002). Most recently Risonanze. Ascolto Corpo Mondo (Mimesis, 2007). She has edited the Italian translations of some writings by V. Jankélévitch, such as La musica e l’ineffabile (Bompiani, 1998), La morte (Einaudi, 2009) and Da qualche parte nell’incompiuto (written together with B. Berlowitz, Einaudi, 2012); of J.-L. Nancy, All’ascolto (Raffaello Cortina, 2004) and (together with P. De Luca) of R. M. Rilke, Lettere a Magda (Mimesis, 2006). Ha curato il volume collettaneo In dialogo con Vladimir Jankélévitch (Mimesis, 2009).
Ha scritto per Paideutika