Elsa Maria Bruni
Is an Associate Professor of General and Social Education and Chair of the Master’s Degree in Pedagogical Sciences at the G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara. She works mainly with ancient pedagogy and has published several contributions on the development of cultural and educational processes. She collaborates with national and international scientific journals and her most recent publications include: Achille o dell’educazione razionale (Venice, 2012), Intersezioni pedagogiche (Pisa, 2012), Differenza e pluralismo nel discorso pedagogico (in 25 saggi di pedagogia [Ed. A. Mariani], Milan, 2011), La formazione universitaria nell’Europa della conoscenza (Rome, 2008), Pedagogia e trasformazione della persona (Lecce, 2008).
Collaborations for Paideutika
- Elsa Maria Bruni, The time for thought… the meaning of education
- Elsa Maria Bruni, The time forthought… the meaning of education
- Elsa Maria Bruni, The meaning of educational action and relationship training