Asger Sørensen
(b. 1960), Ph.D. &, Associate Professor in Philosophy of Education, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Main interests are philosophy of education, political and social philosophy, ethics, and philosophy of science. Major works are: Forskning, etik, konsekvens [Research, Ethics, Consequence] (Copenhagen, 2003), Om videnskabelig viden [On Scientific Knowledge] (Frederiksberg, 2010), I lyset af Bataille [In the light of Bataille] (Copenhagen, 2012) and Den moralske virkelighed [The Moral Reality] (Malmö, 2012). He has edited Enrique Dussel: Frigørelsesfilosofi [Philosophy of Liberation] (Copenhagen, 2008), coedited Excesser – om Bataille [Excesses – on Bataille] (Aarhus, 1994), Dialectics, Self-consciousness, and Recognition. The Hegelian Legacy (Malmö, 2009), Rawls politiske filosofi [The Political Philosophy of Rawls] (Malmö, 2009) and Politics in Education (Berlin, 2012). Articles in English in Philosophy and Social Criticism, Public Reason, Journal of Business Ethics, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, and others.
Collaborations for Paideutika