Amelia Broccoli
is Associate professor of General Pedagogy/Philosophy of education, University of Cassino and Lazio meridionale and from 201 to present is coordinator of the Degree Course of Educational Sciences and of the Master Degree Course of Pedagogical Sciences at the same University. Her research focuses mainly on education in the ancient greek world; relation between communication, ethics and rhetoric; pedagogy of family relationships.
She is the author of the following volumes: Educazione senza morale? Risorse e limiti dell’etica pedagogica, ELS-LaScuola, Brescia 2017; La comunicazione persuasiva. Etica, retorica, educazione, La Scuola, Brescia, 2012; La parola che educa. Profili paideutici del mondo greco, Monolite, Roma 2012; Educazione e comunicazione. Per un’etica del discorso pedagogico, La Scuola, Brescia, 2008; Educazione, democrazia e autorità. Paideia e politeia da Socrate a Platone, Monolite editrice, Roma, 2004.
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