Alessandro Mariani (University of Florence, Italy)
Graduated in “Pedagogy” and Ph.D. in “Theory and history of educational processes” at the University of Florence, he has conducted some research works in Beirut, Cambridge, Lausanne, Loughborough, Madrid, Olimpia , Paris, Sao Paulo and Washington.
Full Professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Florence (where he teaches “Philosophy of education”, “Philosophy of education and communication” and “Intercultural pedagogy”), Alessandro Mariani has constantly had a place – between scientific research and university teaching – in the context of general pedagogy, cultivating both the philosophical-educational and the historical-pedagogical fields: a path within which he has always kept in mind the contemporary pedagogical question, its theoretical reference models, its internal logic, its ethical-political devices and its epistemological features. The main issues of his investigations deal with the philosophy of education, pedagogical epistemology, theories of communication, the theoretical foundations and models of adult education and continuing education, intercultural pedagogy, critical pedagogy, quality culture in early childhood education services, media education, the link between corporeality, sport and education, the ecology of education.
Author / editor of over one hundred and ninety scientific publications (for the complete list see the following link: ), he is Chancellor of the IUL Telematic University of Studies, coordinator of the Research Unit “M.E.T.R.I. – Modelli Educativi: Teorie e Ricerche Interdisciplinari (Educational Models: Interdisciplinary Theories and Researches)”, he is scientific director of the specialization Course “Philosophy for Children / Philosophy for Community”, of the professional updating Course “Growing in continuity in educational contexts 0/6” and of the “International Education Forum”. He is the editor in chief of the journal “Studies on education” and of some editorial series; he is also a member of both the Scientific Direction Board of many journals and the Editorial Board of as many pedagogical series. He is member of the Board of Directors of the Istituto degli Innocenti (Institute of the Innocents); he coordinates the interinstitutional table (“Guidelines on in-service training of educational and teaching staff in the perspective of 0-6 years”) of the Tuscany Region and chairs the Scientific Board of the Pestalozzi School-City. He has taken part / is taking part in Research Projects of National Interest (P.R.I.N.), he has been / is scientific supervisor of many national/ international research-action projects in the educational field and has been awarded the National Pedagogy Award “Raffaele Laporta”.
Collaborations for Paideutika